MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.9: Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 was added.
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It understands the code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation, error checking, code validation, code formatting, integrated PHP manual, built-in web server, debugging support, test explorer integration, composer package manager, and more. Version Support for Visual Studio MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.10: Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 was removed. Visual Studio 2022 has the latest features to bring you real-time collaboration with Live Share, AI-assisted code completions, & many more. The extension is focused on developer productivity respecting conventions. Open Visual Studio 2019 and click Create a new project, then find Blazor. PHP Tools for Visual Studio transparently integrate into Microsoft Visual Studio, and extend it with the support for PHP language. Scaffold a complete CRUD application from your MSSQL, MySQL, Postgres or Oracle.